A custom field was visible/editable in a S/4HANA release prior to 2021. After upgrading to S/4HANA 2021 the custom field is no longer present or cannot be edited.
This happens when:
- The Fiori app´s UI is built using an RDS-based OData entity.
- The custom field is enabled for the CDS view of the affected OData entity
- The custom field is not enabled for the affected OData entity
This is the case, among others, for Fiori app “Purchase Requisition Professional” :
- Fiori application “Purchase Requisition Professional” uses the OData service MM_PUR_PR_PROFNL_MAINTAIN_SRV
- CDS view “Purchase Reqn Consumption Item View” C_PurchaseReqnItem is enabled in Custom Fields Fiori app
- OData service “Maintain Purchase Requisition Extensibility Model” MM_PUR_PR_PROFNL_MAINTAIN_SRV is not enabled in Custom Fields Fiori app
F2229 , F1481 , RDS , Referenced Data Source, Custom fields and logic, Manage Purchase Requisition , KBA , BC-SRV-APS-EXT-FLD , Custom Fields , MM-FIO-PUR-REQ-PRF , Manage Purchase Requisitions – Professional , Problem
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