The installed system license of your AS ABAP is invalid because the installation or system number has been changed. This situation usually occurs if you are using a system copy.
To install a license key with a new installation number or a new system number, you must delete the old license keys first. Since these old license keys are invalid, you can only log on with the automatic user SAP*.
However, user SAP* is not allowed to delete licenses and you face the following message:
Only the administrator is allowed
to delete licenses.
When the valid system license has
expired, only the user SAP* can
log on to the system. In this case,
it would be dangerous to delete
a license.
This is why the user SAP* is never
allowed to delete a license.
As result you cannot delete the licenses via T-Code SLICENSE.
As of SAP BASIS 700 and as of the availability of OS level program saplikey according to SAP Note 1227762
SLICENSE, License Key, Delete, saplikey, SAP*, installation number, system number, emergency user, , KBA , BC-SEC-LIK , Licence Key Administration , How To
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