Authorization profiles without role relations, except in table AGR_1016, exist in your system.
How to delete these profiles from your system is unknown.
The deletion of SAP standard roles via Support Package is the main argument why SAP recommends to always use standard roles as copy templates only but never directly.
Always copy SAP-roles to ZSAP-roles (or use your own name convention).
As of SAP_BASIS 700 to SAP_BASIS SAPK-75004INSAPBASIS: Pre-condition: SAP Note 2315074 must be implemented.
As of SAP_BASIS 751 and higher: No pre-conditioned correction required.
ghost profiles, abandoned profiles, phantom profiles, orphan profiles, delete profiles, how to delete ghost profiles, how to delete abandoned profiles, how to delete orphan profiles, profiles cannot be deleted , KBA , BC-SEC-AUT-PFC , ABAP Authorization and Role Administration , Known Error
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