After pubring/secring have been updated following exception happens in Cloud Integration when the pgp keys are used: An exception occurred during decrypting/verifiyng a PGP message. The PGP message may have been tampered. Reason: The input message body has an invalid format. The PGP decryption/verification processor expects a sequence of PGP packets of the form (entries in brackets are optional and ellipses indicate repetition, comma represents sequential composition, and vertical bar separates alternatives): Public Key Encrypted Session Key ..., Symmetrically Encrypted Data | Sym. Encrypted and Integrity Protected Data, Compressed Data, (One Pass Signature ...,) Literal Data, (Signature ...,), cause: iaik.pgp.exceptions.PGPParsingException: Read invalid packet (ONE_PASS_SIGNATURE (TAG 4)) while decoding iaik.pgp.transferables.PGPMessage
SAP Cloud Integration
pubring, secring,, An exception occurred during decrypting/verifiyng a PGP message., The PGP message may have been tampered., Reason: The input message body has an invalid format., The PGP decryption/verification processor expects a sequence of PGP packets of the form, (entries in brackets are optional and ellipses indicate repetition, comma represents sequential composition, and vertical bar separates alternatives):, Public Key Encrypted Session Key ..., Symmetrically Encrypted Data | Sym., Encrypted and Integrity Protected Data, Compressed Data, (One Pass Signature ...,) Literal Data, (Signature ...,), iaik.pgp.exceptions.PGPParsingException:, Read invalid packet, (ONE_PASS_SIGNATURE (TAG 4)), while decoding iaik.pgp.transferables.PGPMessage, , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP Adapter , Problem
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