SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3277475 - Error QE181 "Characteristic results cannot be recorded for inspection lot &" when making result recording for inspection lot


You have created and released an inspection lot. When you try to make the result recording for it via either app Record Inspection Results, Record Inspection Results - For Operation or Process Inspection Lots - Worklist, you fail with the error QE181 "Characteristic results cannot be recorded for inspection lot &".




The error QE181 shows up because there is no characteristic assigned to the inspection lot. There might be several scenarios:

  • Scenario1: You haven't set the "Insp. with Task List" and "Inspect Charcs" indicators in the inspection setup material master data for the corresponding inspection type. In this way, the inspection will not be performed based on a task list and will not support recording results based on characteristics.
  • Scenario2: You have set the "Insp. with Task List" and "Inspect Charcs" indicators, however, no task list has been assign to the inspection lot. This may be due to lack of inspection plan or multiple plans existing at the same time causing the system not able to select one.
  • Scenarios3: This is a special scenario of scenario2. You have set the "Insp. with Task List" and "Inspect Charcs" indicators, but after the inspection lot creation. In this way, the inspection lot is still not based on a task list because it only considers the master data at its creation. You also can't assign an inspection plan to the inspection lot manually later in this situation.


To avoid the error, please:

  1. Set the "Insp. with Task List" and "Inspect Charcs" indicators in the inspection setup material master data for the inspection type and do this before the inspection lot creation.
  2. Make sure there has been a task list assign to the inspection lot before the record resulting.


QE181, Record Inspection Results, result recording, QE01, QA32, F1685, Insp. with Task List, Inspect Charcs, inspection plan , KBA , QM-IM-IL , Inspection Lot Creation , QM-IM-IL-2CL , Inspection Lot Creation (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions