The Backup Catalog (log_backup_0.0.0.0) is too large to perform housekeeping tasks on. This is because it consistently runs out of memory (OOM) when attempting to locate the Backup ID.
GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT * = 659.27gb (707886465024b), SHARED_MEMORY = 7.23gb (7765000192b), CODE_SIZE = 2.24gb (2408046592b), OOM_RESERVATION_ALLOCATOR_SIZE = 96.14mb (100810752b)
PID=5243 (hdbnameserver), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=2.29gb (2464198656b), UA=0, U=1.94gb (2089406950b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=5482 (hdbcompileserver), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=203.51mb (213405696b), UA=0, U=137.22mb (143894829b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b, Blocked=810.47mb (849842176b)
PID=5485 (hdbpreprocessor), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=205.72mb (215719936b), UA=0, U=121.23mb (127124362b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=5540 (hdbdpserver), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=829.67mb (869978112b), UA=0, U=683.38mb (716583298b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=5546 (hdbindexserver), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=3.16gb (3399426048b), UA=0, U=2.66gb (2864021543b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=5552 (hdbxsengine), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=835.73mb (876335104b), UA=0, U=687.36mb (720755558b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=5549 (hdbindexserver), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=4.78gb (5137350656b), UA=0, U=3.72gb (4000650306b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=5555 (hdbxsengine), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=844.05mb (885059584b), UA=0, U=692.73mb (726384747b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=5543 (hdbindexserver), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=633.33gb (680034480128b), UA=0, U=600.57gb (644860945539b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=5537 (hdbdocstore), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=1.94gb (2088087552b), UA=0, U=1.71gb (1841258062b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=10673 (hdbwebdispatcher), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=438.28mb (459579392b), UA=0, U=369.60mb (387554639b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=10667 (hdbdiserver), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=217.30mb (227856384b), UA=0, U=143.03mb (149984393b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
PID=10670 (hdbdiserver), PAL=659.39gb (708020682752b), AB=195.98mb (205504512b), UA=0, U=129.92mb (136241401b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
Total allocated memory= 658.67gb (707250028544b)
Total used memory = 622.99gb (668937852411b)
Sum AB = 697076981760
Sum Used = 658764805627
Heap memory fragmentation: 5
Top "M_HEAP_MEMORY" allocators (component, name, size). Ordered descending by exclusive_size_in_use.
1: Monitoring & Statistical Data: Pool/RowEngine/MonitorView/StatisticsMonitors/M_DEV_BACKUP_CATALOG_LOG_FILES 205.99gb (221189556992b) (512mb (536870912b) precharged, 2.42kb (2480b) in preparation)
2: Monitoring & Statistical Data: Pool/RowEngine/MonitorView/StatisticsMonitors/M_DEV_BACKUP_CATALOG_LOG 161.85gb (173789905408b) (256mb (268435456b) precharged, 1.48kb (1520b) in preparation)
3: Monitoring & Statistical Data: Pool/Statistics 125.78gb (135063402240b)
4: System: Pool/BackupRecoveryAllocator 93.60gb (100507560336b)
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
SAP HANA DB Version 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
Housekeeping, backup catalog, e Memory, OUT OF MEMORY occurred, OOM, cannot allocate enough memory, Out of memory on query open , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , Problem
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