Post configuration (on Installation end) event script set in the single-file self-installing .exe-package to install/deploy frontend products (SAP GUI, NWBC, Business Explorer, and so on) using %USERPROFILE% or HKCU is not working when trying to copy files using scripts as per below:
E.g. File "test.txt" can be copied from C:\test\ to C:\ProgramData\ folder with below script:
strSrcFile = NwEngine.Variables.ResolveString("C:\test\test.txt")
strDstFile = NwEngine.Variables.ResolveString("C:\ProgramData\SAP\test.txt")
NwEngine.Shell.CopyFile strSrcFile, strDstFile
But the file "test.txt" can't be copied to C:\%USERPROFILE%\ folder with below script:
strSrcFile = NwEngine.Variables.ResolveString("C:\test\test.txt")
strDstFile = NwEngine.Variables.ResolveString("%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\SAP\test.txt")
NwEngine.Shell.CopyFile strSrcFile, strDstFile
SAP GUI release independent
%USERPROFILE%, %APPDATA%, HKCU, registry hive, installation, SAP GUI, event script. , KBA , BC-FES-INS , Frontend Installation , Problem
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