- SM20 Security Audit Log errors for User SAPSYS for RFC/CPIC Logon.:
- Accompanied by DUMPs in ST22 as well, like the one below.:
Category Installation error
Runtime Errors CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_REJECTEDShort text No authorization to log on to the target system (error code 1).
What happened? Installation error
The current program had to be terminated because of an error when
installing the SAP system.
An RFC (Remote Function Call) was sent with invalid user ID "SAPSYS "
or client 000.Error analysis User "SAPSYS " in client 000 is system "XYZ " has attempted to submit
an RFC
call using user ID "SAPSYS " and client 000. (Note: In Release 4.0 and
no information is provided about the caller and the caller system).
to make an RFC call with user ID "SAPSYS " and client 000 (note: In
4.0 and below, no information is provided about the caller and the
caller system).Source Code Extract * necessary variables for class based exceptions
DATA: l_root TYPE REF TO cx_root.
>>>>> CALL 'RfcImport' ID 'Type' FIELD type
ID 'SYXForm' FIELD l_syxform
ID 'SYXProg' FIELD l_syxprog
ID 'CLException' FIELD l_cbe
ID 'IpAddr' FIELD l_ipaddr
ID 'Port' FIELD l_port_int2
ID 'Snc' FIELD l_snc
ID 'SameSystem' FIELD l_same_system
ID 'UconActive' FIELD l_ucon_active
ID 'CallerDest' FIELD l_caller_dest
ID 'CallerClient' FIELD l_caller_client
ID 'CallerInst' FIELD l_caller_instance
ID 'CallerType' FIELD l_caller_type
ID 'CallerUser' FIELD l_caller_user
ID 'CallerProgram' FIELD l_caller_program
ID 'CallerSID' FIELD l_caller_sid
ID 'CallerIPV6Flag' FIELD l_caller_ipv6_flag.
l_port(4) = l_port_int2.
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