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3280700 - DB6: Backup scheduling fails with status "Not available"


Database backup scheduling via transaction code DB13 fails. No error is pops up in screen.

The status shown in the "Action Description" shows "Not available".

Following error is updated in the work process trace under the work directory (T-cd: ST11).
(The corresponding trace can be found with the timestamp updated while issue is reproduced).

L  *** ERROR => BtcJobStart: Creating Joblog failed: jobname=, jobcount=10474600, rc=0 [btcjcntl.c   751]
L  {root-id=00155D0F0B0E1EDD9CA6EFE444C032D6}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
L  Begin of BtcSetFinalStepStatus: jobname=DBA:BACKUP_ABC______@104746/4000, jobcount=10474600
L  *** ERROR => BtcSetFinalStepStatus: db_rsql-call failed, rc: 64 [btcdbif.c    2203]

In the system log (T-cd: SM21), it returns error below:

F3V Error 28 for write/read access to a file. File = /usr/sap/ABC/SYS/global/400JOBLG/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ECF Failed to create log for job XXXXXXXXXX



SAP on IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


DB13, Not available, Creating Joblog failed, BtcSetFinalStepStatus, db_rsql-call failed, rc: 64 , KBA , BC-DB-DB6-DBA , Database Administration , BC-DB-DB6-CCM , CCMS/Database Monitors , Problem

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