1. Lot-Sizing Procedure is maintained as 1 (Static periods of supply) is maintained for affected Location Product combination.
2. You expect ADDITIONALLOTSIZEDEMAND, PROJECTEDINVENTORY have demand derived from subsequent periods according to SUBPERIODSOFSUPPLY and SUBPERIODNUM defined.
For example, you SUBPERIODSOFSUPPLY defined as 21, and SUBPERIODNUM defined as 7, so you would expect ADDITIONALLOTSIZEDEMAND and PROJECTEDINVENTORY can cover demand from next three periods.
- SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
Additional Lot-Sizing Procedure Demand, Lot-Sizing Procedure, Static Periods of Supply, PROJECTEDINVENTORY, Projected Stock, , KBA , SCM-IBP-SUP , Supply , SCM-IBP-SUP-ALG , Algorithms , Problem
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