During an upgrade this error is encountered in PARCONV.ELG. In other environments other tables and indexes can be affected but the error message is the same.
Summary of Error:
- Module: MAIN_NEWBAS/Downtime II: Conversion, Main Import, XPRAs
- Phase Log File: PARCONV.LOG
- Error Message: Last error code set:
Unhandled tables found in inactive nametab
# Description: Check Batch job
# Find the detailed information in log 'NCONV00.SRP':
2 ED0313 uments with the same ID exist in the index;SAPR3:/IWFND/I_MED_SRH.$uc_/IWFND/I_M
2 ED0314 ED_SRH~1$ content not unique, cannot define unique constraint. rowCount != disti
2 ED0314 nctCount
4 EDA093 "DDL time(___1):" ".......129" milliseconds
2EEGT236 The SQL statement was not executed
2EEDI006 Index " " could not be created completely in the database
2EEGT082 "Index" "/IWFND/I_MED_SRH-1" could not be created
2 EGT066 Request for "/STMC/CR_REPO2L" executed successfully
1 ED0302X=========================================================================
1 ED0314 DD: Execution of Database Operations
1 ED0302 =========================================================================
1 ED0327 Process..................: "saphsrp_26_3475154"
1EED0319 Return code..............: "8"
SUM SUM 2.0 Patch 15.2
HANA 2.0
"uments with the same ID exist in the index", Index " " could not be created completely in the database, PARCONV.ELG, MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG, content not unique, cannot define unique constraint. rowCount != distinct , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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