- The migration of an Identity Provisioning (IPS) tenant from Neo infrastructure to the SAP Cloud Identity Services (IAS) infrastructure fails with an error
- The error message is similar to:
Migration of system <system Id> returned unexpected state 400. Message is 400 System creation has failed
Technical user with inbound certificate with subject dn <CN> OU=<org. Unit> , O=<Org.> , C=<country> has already been created by the migration process. New One won't be created and existing one will be reused.
Finished with errors. For details, see the error message under Failed Entities. - In the failed entities log the error is similar to
Error during execution on behalf of tenant with ID: <system ID> Caused by: System Migration of system <system ID> has failed.
Identity Provisioning
Identity Provisioning 1.0
upgrade, IAS, converged cloud , KBA , BC-IAM-IPS , Identity Provisioning Service (IPS) , Problem
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