After transport from QA to Prod the roles and teams are not aligned.
Customer trying to do all security in the ABAP.
Access assigned via a composite role in the ABAP layer. The user is getting roles, but the role is pointing to another team and the access behind that.
Created the teams, DAP's, and tasks in BPC interface. The composite roles were created in the backend system with those roles created from the front end system. Transport to QA environment with no issues, but the transports went in at different times. Moved these using RSA1 and PFCG. The roles created in the Front end system duplicated but not with the descriptions customer entered. They have the same authorization objects assigned to them. The role does not inherit the teams that it shows having access to.
When assigned roles via SU01 to the users account in the ABAP side, the team role is not inherited in the front end tool.
SAP BPC Netweaver
KBA , EPM-BPC-NW-ADM-SEC , Security , Problem
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