How to add both landline and mobile numbers to a contact through migration of customers.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Select Overview view.
- Search and open Migration of Customers activity.
- Select Migrate customers using the Migration Tool.
- Upload the Migration Template using the Upload option.
- Select Execute Migration.
In the web service, the telephone attribute/node is wrongly modeled.
It should be modeled as a message node element with 0*2 cardinality, then it would be possible to add both the landline and the mobile phone.
Try to update the telephone information for a contact person of an account via the webservice "ManageCustomerIn"
Follow sample Payload:
<n0:CustomerBundleMaintainRequest_sync_V1 xmlns:n0=" ">
<Customer actionCode="04">
<ContactPerson actionCode="04" workplaceTelephoneListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true">
NOTE: Here XXX = Account ID , YYY= Contact ID , ZZZ= Telephone Number
Important is, that you need to pass the complete list of telephone numbers at the same time.
It is only allowed to pass workplaceTelephoneListCompleteTransmissionIndicator = "true"
See Also
Migrate both Landline or Mobile Number, Migration of Customer, Webservice, ManageCustomerIn , KBA , migration of customer , webservice managecustomerin , migrate both landline or mobile number , AP-BP-MIG , ByDesign: Business Partner Migration / Replication , Problem