Both the Message Server and Enqueue Server remain in YELLOW state with "Running but not responding" after the parameter "system/secure_communication" was deactivated (set to OFF).
This can be seen at the end of the "sapstartsrv.log" file or with the command "sapcontrol -nr XX -function GetProcessList".
For example:
msg_server, MessageServer, YELLOW, Running but not responding, [date and time], [uptime], [PID]
enserver, EnqueueServer, YELLOW, Running but not responding, [date and time], [uptime], [PID]
Despite this, the system works normally.
Note: during an installation, system copy or upgrade, the procedure does not move forward because the ASCS processes never reach the GREEN state.
- SAP NetWeaver based product
- ABAP Platform based product
KBA , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , Problem
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