SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3285403 - Is it possible to combine multiple widget values to an single Live Insight element and show as a single value


Is it possible to combine multiple widget values to and show as a single value in the live insight element ?


SAP Signavio Process intelligence
SAP Signavio Process Manager 


It is possible to link multiple widgets to one single Live Insight element with attribute "additional widgets", however, it is not possible to combine the values to a single result. 

This idea hasn't been implemented, and has been forwarded to our Product Managers as a Feature Request.
If you like this idea, please register your interest by creating a ticket in the SAP Signavio Support portal, referencing this knowledge base article.
We'd also like your business case, so we can better understand the needs of our customers.


SAP Signavio, BPI-SIG, value widget, live insight, combine values to a single result,frq, feature request , KBA , BPI-SIG-PI-IN , Insights for SAP Signavio Process Intelligence , Product Enhancement


SAP Signavio Process Intelligence all versions