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3285430 - error code: 20006, message: The user exists in multiple origins.


You have applied Establish Trust and Federation of Custom Identity Providers for Platform Users [Feature Set B]. After that, when trying to add Organization Members and add Space Members using the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface, "The user exists in multiple origins" error occurred.

For example:
C:\Users\ <user A> >cf set-org-role <USERNAME> <ORG> OrgManager
Assigning role OrgManager to user <USERNAME> in org <ORG> as <USERNAME>...
Server error, status code: 400, error code: 20006, message: The user exists in multiple origins. Specify an origin for the requested user from: '<sap.ids>', '<your IAS tenant ID>-platform'

C:\Users\ <user A> >cf set-space-role <USERNAME> <ORG> SpaceManager
Assigning role RoleSpaceManager to user <USERNAME> in org <ORG> as <USERNAME>...
Server error, status code: 400, error code: 20006, message: The user exists in multiple origins. Specify an origin for the requested user from: '<sap.ids>', '<you IAS tenant ID>-platform'



  • SAP Business Technology Platform Cloud Foundry - BTP CF
  • Feature Set B


SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry runtime and environment 1.0


add Organization Members, add Space Members, using the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface, Establish Trust and Federation of Custom Identity Providers for Platform Users [Feature Set B], Server error, status code: 400, error code: 20006, message: The user exists in multiple origins. Specify an origin for the requested user from, '-platform' , KBA , BC-CP-CF-SEC-IAM , UAA, Authentication, Authorization, Trust Mgmnt , Problem

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