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3285449 - sql error: 30046 during add-on update in SPAM


SPAM stops at phase IMPORT_OBJECT_LIST indicating issue while accessing a table.

Example: The issue occurs for table E071 in below.

-Error in phase: IMPORT_OBJECT_LIST
-Reason for the error: COMMAND_FILE_IMPORT_FAILURE
-Return code: 0012
-Error message: OCS Package SAPK<XXX>, tp step "L", return code 0012

Action log of the queue:

Error during executing the tp command 'tp CMD ALL CXP ...'

Import log of the package:

sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
   db call info
function:   db_xrtab
fcode:      RT_MI_END
tabname:    E071
len (char): 172
retcode:    1
sql error:  30046 [ASE Error SQL30046:08S01][SAP][ASE ODBC Driver]Connection to the server has been lost. Connection died while re
ding from socket. ERRNO returned 0. Check the server to determine the status of
SQL error 30046 accessing  : [ASE Error SQL30046:08S01][SAP][ASE ODBC Driver]Co
Import of object list of a request
End date and time : <timestamp>
Ended with return code:  ===> 12 <===

Log file DB log.txt does not mention any database errors. 

Authorization issues are observed in transaction SU53:

Authorization check failed
   Date XX.XX.20XX Time 14:07:14 Transaction SE16
     Authorization Obj. S_TABU_NAM Table Access by Generic Standard Tools
       Authorization Field ACTVT      Activity                                                                03
       Authorization Field TABLE      Table Name                                                              E071



SAP Netweaver ABAP


IMPORT_OBJECT_LIST, COMMAND_FILE_IMPORT_FAILURE, 0012, tp step "L", 'tp CMD ALL CXP ...', sap_dext, E071, sql error:  30046, SQL30046:08S01, Connection to the server has been lost., SPAM, ST-PI, DDIC, Import, sql error , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS , Online Corr. Support (Tools:Supp.-Pack., Addon Install/Upgr) , Problem

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