Office Integration
SAP GUI for Windows
MS Office, Excel 2016, Tab-separated values, CSV file, spreadsheet data, Excel 365, The record separated by tab characters, Excel 2019, The Values separated by tabs, The comma-separated values, Formatted text, Excel workbook, Die einzelnen Textfelder, Textdatei, Tabulatorgetrennte Textdatei, Tab Separated Data File, Tab Delimited, file format Text, Delimiter, Tabular data, Excel format, A space-delimited list, Textdateiformate, CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, OFFICEINTEGRATIONDOCPROXYIMP , KBA , BC-FES-XXL , XXL List Viewer/Lotus Connections , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , BC-SRV-ALV , SAP List Viewer , BC-ABA-LI , ABAP List Processing , How To
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