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3285490 - Is there any other way to download data to the excel file without using MS Excel?


 You want to know how to export data to excel without using MS Excel.



Office Integration
SAP GUI  for Windows


MS Office, Excel 2016, Tab-separated values, CSV file, spreadsheet data, Excel 365, The record separated by tab characters, Excel 2019, The Values separated by tabs, The comma-separated values, Formatted text, Excel workbook, Die einzelnen Textfelder, Textdatei, Tabulatorgetrennte Textdatei, Tab Separated Data File, Tab Delimited, file format Text, Delimiter, Tabular data, Excel format,  A space-delimited list, Textdateiformate, CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, OFFICEINTEGRATIONDOCPROXYIMP , KBA , BC-FES-XXL , XXL List Viewer/Lotus Connections , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , BC-SRV-ALV , SAP List Viewer , BC-ABA-LI , ABAP List Processing , How To

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