While actively in a performance form, receive an error message:
<![CDATA[ Timeout, your session has been terminated, please save your data manually then login again. ]]>
SAP SuccessFactors Perfomance Management
Expected behavior.
The SuccessFactors BizX suite has a hard default setting of 30 minutes timeout when there is no activity. This cannot be changed, but there are warnings configured to notify users of when the timeout is approaching.
If you think this should be changed in a future release, you can submit an enhancement request using 2090228 - How to Submit Ideas for SAP SuccessFactors Products.
See Also
success factors, SF, PM, PMGM, Session timeout, time out, warning, pop-up, disable, Session Timeout Settings, 30 minutes, session expired , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-SYS , System Performance , Problem