SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3286181 - Unable to load location dimension when using Bubble layer in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)


  • The location dimension of an import model cannot show when using Bubble layer but can show when using Choropleth/Drill Layer.
  • The model is Geo Enrichment by area name.


  • SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise)

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a new story and add a map.
  2. Use the Geo Enrichment functionality to enrich country names based on area name.
  3. Add the import model in the map and choose Bubble Layer.
  4. Click Add Location Dimension and nothing shows.
  5. Change Layer Type to Choropleth/Drill Layer.
  6. Click Add Location Dimension and the Location Dimension Area (country) shows.


This is by design, Geo Enrichment by area name only supports the choropleth layer.


Geo Enrichment by area name only supports the choropleth layer.

In order to use other layer types such as bubble, heatmap or flow, please create the model have corresponding coordinates so the geo-enrichment functionality can be used based on coordinates.

See Also


SAC, map layers, geo-coding , Geo Enrichment, Creating Location Dimension, Creating a Model with Coordinate or Area Data for Geospatial Analysis, Bubble layer, Choropleth, Drill Layer. , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES-GEO , SAP Analytics Cloud Story GEO visualizations , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0