SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3286194 - Not able to add a new entry on the configuration activity Map Storage Location to the Warehouse S/4HANA Cloud


When you open the Configuration activity "Map Storage Locations to the Warehouse“, and try to make a new entry, it does not work. The system reports Data is saved, but when you open the activity again the data added recently is missing.




One possible reason is that the entry that was added, had already an equal one in place. The 'plant - warehouse - availability group' combination has to be unique for each entry.


If you would like to assign an additional storage location to the same warehouse under a particular plant, you will have to create a new availability group and use it in the new entry. This is described in the chapter 'Define Availability Group' of the Warehouse Management Setup Guide.docx (Public).

You also have to define additional stock types for the new availability group. This is also described in the warehouse management setup guide.

Once you complete the above-mentioned steps, you should be able to do the 'map storage locations to the warehouse' setting.


warehouse management setup guide, map storage locations to the warehouse, missing entry, data, warehouse, plant, availability group, combination, configuration activity. , KBA , SCM-EWM-CNT-2CL , S/4HANA Best Practices for EWM (Public Cloud) , Problem


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