SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3286926 - Logistics Use Setting for Location Layout


You are setting Logistics Use for Logistics Areas, however you do not know which option to use.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Supply Chain Design Master Data work center. 
  2. Select Locations view. 
  3. Find the relevant Location ID. 
  4. Edit Layout. 
  5. Select the relevant Logistics Area. 
  6. Under General tab you can set the Logistics Use. 


You can find below the explanation about every option available for Logistics Use:

Movable Storage: Used in the pick-up scenario for Service order and Project Stock order - this usage captures mobile storages. Only one Logistics Area under a site can have this usage.
Restricted Stock: As the name suggests, it can be used to maintain restricted stock. Maintaining this usage against a LoA doesn’t mean that the system will automatically mark the stock stored in this LoA as restricted – this is more of a soft classification, which can be used in the logistics model for a Returns scenario. 
Project Stock: Used in consumption-at-site scenario in project stock orders. Only one Logistics Area under a site can have this usage.
Not Relevant for Planning: Stock in this Logistics Area is not considered for planning and availability checks but will be available for execution. Please refer to this blog post for further details (
Over The Counter Stock: Used in Over-the-counter-sale document. Only one Logistics Area under a site can have this usage set.
The Stock maintained the LoA that has this usage is used in the OTCS process.
Storage: Selected when the logistics area is intended to be used as a storage area/bin. There is no restriction on the kind of stock that can be stored in the LoAs with this usage.
Receiving Staging: Used as a staging area for the inbound stock when it is unloaded from the delivery. 
Shipping Staging: Used as a staging area for the outbound stock when it is to be loaded into a delivery.
Packing: Used for packing operations. Again, this is more from the identification of the LoA used in the WH process – in the system the packing can only be done if the OD is created, by then the stock is tagged to the WH order and may no longer be in any LoA.
Inspection: Used for quality inspections. Maintaining this usage against a LoA doesn’t mean that the system will automatically mark the stock stored in this LoA as Inspection stock. Also, it plays a role in LoA proposal in Source and Destination determination in case of receiving inspections when the Inspection stock separation by LoA is maintained on the Inspection Plan. 
Intermediate Storage: Used for storing the in-process inventory on a production floor. However, this again is more from the identification standpoint in the warehouse because doesn’t support intermediate products.
Production Supply: Used for storing the input products that act as a supply to the production floor.
Production Output: Used for storing the output products that are produced on the production floor before they are moved to the storage areas.


You can choose the Logistics Use as per your business requirement.


Logistics, Use, LoA , KBA , logistics , loa , usage , AP-LAS , Logistics Area and Storage Management , How To


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