The table HTTPURLLOC is used to determine the protocol, host and port when the ABAP system generates URLs. For example; to use public URLs, instead of technical URLs like <host>:<port>. This KBA provides detailed steps about the maintenance of this table.
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
ICF, Internet Communication Framework, SICF, Service, Services, ICF service, ICF_GDPR, HTTPURLLOC, SE16, transaction, MANDT, SORT_KEY, PROTOCOL, APPLICATN, FOR_DOMAIN, HOST, PORT, se80, web dypro, create, new entries, edit, wdr_test_ui_elements, http, https, 8000, 443, 7.40, Mapped LogSYS, transaction Launcher , KBA , BC-MID-ICF , Internet Communication Framework , How To
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