Printout with Cloud Print Manager for Pull Integration ("CPM for PI") fails.
In the CPM logs, the following error message can be seen:
*** ERROR *** [7] GetMetaData returned an empty item. System = <system> Queue = <print_queue> ***** [ RetrieveDocuments in RetrievalManager.cs at line
Additionally, it is observed that:
- No request is arriving at CPM for the PI admin screen.
- Changes made in CPM for PI settings are not taking effect.
- CPM for PI all versions
CPM for PI, installation, multiple, communication user, GetMetaData returned an empty item, RetrieveDocuments, RetrievalManager, , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN-OM-PQ , S/4HANA Output Management Print Queues , BC-CCM-PRN-OM-PM , S/4HANA Output Management Print Manager , Problem
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