BRCONNECT cleanup fails due to missing file.
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2023-01-09 10:40:01
BR0941I 0 BRSPACE log files deleted from directory /oracle/<SID>/sapreorg
BR0249I BR_TRACE: level 2, function BrLogCleanup exit with 0
BR0248I BR_TRACE: level 2, function BrLogCleanup entry with 'TRACEORA /oracle/<SID>/saptrace/diag/rdbms/<SID>/<SID>/trace'
BR0248I BR_TRACE: level 3, function BrTimeEncode entry with 1670713200
BR0250I BR_TRACE: level 3, function BrTimeEncode exit with 'fkqanga'
BR0252E Function stat() failed for '/oracle/<SID>/saptrace/diag/rdbms/<SID>/<SID>/trace/<SID>_proc_1234567.trc' at location BrLogCleanup-3
BR0253E errno 52: Missing file or filesystem
BR0249I BR_TRACE: level 2, function BrLogCleanup exit with -1
- Any application product
- BR*Tools
- Oracle database any version
- Not restricted to any platform
KBA , BC-DB-ORA-DBA , Database Administration , Problem
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