There is comment for storage type General storage at Customizing "Create Storage Types Using Templates" configuration help like below:
A general storage type has only one bin assigned to it, which allows mixed storage. It is designed for a small number of products.
Because the general storage type has only one bin, it isn't intended for a large number of products. The system doesn't know the exact location of the products in the bin and can't support you by finding the products in the bin.
You can use HUs in the general storage type, but they are optional.
But system allow multiple bins creation with General storage when creating storage types using the template.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud System CE2105 higher
General storage, Maintain Storage Types, Create Storage Types Using Templates, Configuration Help, Putaway, Stock Removal, Storage Bin , KBA , SCM-EWM-MD-2CL , Master Data (Public Cloud) , Problem
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