- The SAP Support team has requested a copy of the browser trace logs in HAR format after an issue has been reproduced
- This file can them be imported by the processor, where SAP can perform further analysis or an issue
- SAP Cloud for Service
- SAP Cloud for Customer
- Live Activity
- Agent Desktop
- Microsoft Edge Browser
- Google Chrome Browser
- An HTTP Archive Format (HAR) file tracks and keeps logs of the web browser's interaction with a website.
- If a reproducible error C4C or the Agent Desktop, a.har file can be used to help troubleshoot the issue.
- The HAR file can also be used to troubleshoot performance issues.
- Using HTTPWatch
- Download free version at
- Check KBA 1431064 or
- Export to HAR
- Using Edge:
- Connect to the tenant
- Press F12 to open the debug pane (ensure there are no additional tabs running in the browser window)
- Clear the session history before reproducing
- Press the play button at the top left of the debug pane to start recording
- Reproduce the issue
- Press the red square to stop recording
- Export the results as a HAR file by pressing the save button that is identified as a floppy disk
- Using Google Chrome:
- While in the affected screen, right-click in the browser window or tab and select "Inspect" or press Ctrl+SHIFT+I (shortcut)
- Click the Network tab in the panel that appears
- Click the checkboxes Preserve log and Disable cache
- Reproduce the issue
- Stop recording
- Click the download button - (Export HAR appears when you hold the pointer over it.)
- Name the file
- Click Save
- Once the .har file is available, you may need to compress it in a ZIP or WINZIP file and attach it to the case you are working on
HTTP, HAR, Troubleshooting, SAP Cloud for Service , KBA , LOD-CRM-SBS-AC , Agent Console Add-on , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , Problem
SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2211