SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3290250 - Non-authorized InfoAreas or InfoProviders visible in AO open dialog


User has been restricted with authorization object S_RS_COMP for value RSINFOAREA, RSINFOCUBE, RSZCOMPID. But InfoAreas or InfoProviders are still visible in AO Open dialog which are not authorized.


SAP Analysis Office for Microsoft

Reproducing the Issue

Insert data source in Analysis Office


In order to trigger the full authorization check incuding InfoArea check the authorization profile containing the authorization object S_RS_COMP should not contain the mask '*' for the fields RSINFOCUBE and RSCOMPID.


Note "2690193 - Open Dialogs display non-authorized InfoAreas" gives detailed correct authorization setting example.

Using the range '0*-9*, A*-Z*' instead of mask '*' for the technical names of the queries (RSCOMPID) and technical name of the InfoProvider (RSINFOCUBE) triggers the full authorization check also including the technical name of the corresponding InfoArea (RSINFOAREA). Semantically the range of the authorized queries is exactly the same as in case of using the mask '*'.


S_RS_COMP, RSINFOAREA, RSINFOCUBE, RSZCOMPID, AO, Analysis Office , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , BW-BEX-ET-AUT , Authorizations , Problem


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions