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3292589 - Troubleshooting guide for SAP Datasphere (formerly known as DWC) issues in SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office


Since Analysis Office version 2.8 SP14, it is possible to connect to SAP Datasphere (formerly known as SAP Data Warehouse Cloud) from Analysis Office and analyze SAP Datasphere datasets.

This document provides some guidance on how to troubleshoot SAP Datasphere issues when using the SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office and how to find the correct SAP product area (component) to report product issues (if necessary).

  1. Refer to chapters below in the Administrator and User guides to make sure that everything is in place:
  2. Refer to chapter Restrictions when working with SAP Data Warehouse Cloud datasets to check the functions not supported;

  3. If the issue is related to connection or logon to SAP Datasphere system, make sure that the user is able to connect and logon to SAP Datasphere system in browser just fine.
    • If not: create an case by selecting component DS-SM (attach a Fiddler trace to the case as described in SAP KBA 2385888).
    • If yes: create an case by selecting component BI-RA-AO-XLA (check section #6 in this document).

  4. If the issue is related to performance or error message when consuming a SAP Datasphere dataset, check if the issue is reproducible when previewing the data in SAP Datasphere in browser:
    1. Connect to SAP Datasphere system in browser;
    2. Click on "Repository Explorer" in the menu;
    3. Search for the SAP Datasphere dataset and open it by clicking on its name;
    4. Click on the "Data Viewer" button and then "View Data";
    5. Check if the issue occurs.

      Is the issue reproducible when previewing the data in SAP Datasphere in browser?
    • If yes: create an case by selecting component DS-MD-VIW (attach a Fiddler trace to the case as described in SAP KBA 2385888).
    • If no: create an case by selecting component BI-RA-AO-XLA (check section #6 in this document).

  5. If the issue is related to unexpected behavior/data, performance or error message when consuming a SAP Datasphere dataset, check if the issue is reproducible when creating a Story in SAC in browser:
    1. Log into the SAC web client with a supported browser (Client Software Requirements);
    2. From the Main Menu, select "Stories";
    3. Create a new Canvas story;
    4. Add a Table object (widget);
    5. Select "SAP Data Warehouse Cloud Analytical Dataset";
    6. Select the connection to SAP Datasphere, the Space and the Dataset;
    7. Follow the same navigational steps that are followed using the Analysis Office to reproduce the issue.

      Is the issue reproducible when creating a Story directly in SAC using the SAP Datasphere dataset?
    • If yes: create an case by selecting component LOD-ANA-DES.
    • If no: create an case by selecting component BI-RA-AO-XLA (check section #6 in this document).

  6. Information required when opening an case with SAP

    After determining from steps above that the issue is related to the SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office or when creating an case by selecting component BI-RA-AO-XLA, please provide the following information:

    1. Is the issue reproducible in the latest version of Analysis for Office? To download it, visit this link and follow the instructions in section #2.
    2. Attach to the case the Analysis Office trace (recorded in the latest version) as described in SAP Note 2129389;
    3. Attach to the case the HTTP trace as described in SAP KBA 3237524;
    4. Attach to the case a document with complete step-by-step to reproduce the issue;
    5. Follow one of the options described in SAP KBA 2891554 to provide a Support User for reproduction purposes;
    6. Provide the SAP Datasphere tenant URL and make sure to select the correct SAP Datasphere system when creating the case.



SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions


data, warehouse, cloud, SAP Datasphere, view, crash, exception, performance, connection, logon, login, tenant, dwc , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , How To

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