No authorization to access configuration 103108 'Define Assignment' or 103940 'Event-Based WIP and Variance Posting'.
Business Catalog 'Production Cost Accounting - Period-End Solution Configuration' SAP_CA_BC_IC_LND_FIN_PRD0_PC or
'Production Cost Accounting - Event-Based Solution Configuration' SAP_CA_BC_IC_LND_FIN_PRD1_PC is missing in the system.
There are 2 kinds of production orders:
Period-based orders(scope item BEI): Production Costs - Period-Based
Event-based orders(scope item 3F0): Production Costs - Event-Based
Configuration is also different for above 2 kinds production orders:
For period-based orders: You need to use Define Assignment(ID 103108) to assign source G/L accounts which are relevant for work in process calculation.
For more Details, refer to Work in Process Calculation.
For event-based orders: need to use Event-Based WIP and Variance Posting (ID 103940) to complete the following activities:
Define WIP sources, which are actual costs to be included (in G/L Accounts) of orders that should be capitalized as WIP.
Define the WIP account determination rule which specifies the G/L accounts for defined sources in financial accounting to which the WIP or Unrealized Costs is posted.
Assign WIP account determination rule to the company code.
For more details, refer to Configuration Activities.
The reason of lacking authorizations/missing business catalog is that you only use one kind of order(either period-based order or event-based order).
Make sure to use the correct configuration for relevant orders.
For period-based orders: You need to use Define Assignment(ID 103108).
For event-based orders: You need to use Event-Based WIP and Variance Posting (ID 103940)
event-based orders, period-based orders, BEI, 3F0, variance, WIP, WIP source, event-based variance, event-based WIP, Variance key configuration, Variance key, material master, 103108, Define Assignment, 103940, Event-Based WIP and Variance Posting , KBA , CO-PC-OBJ , Cost Object Controlling , CO-PC-OBJ-2CL , Cost Object Controlling (Public Cloud) , Problem