You upload budget release for budget category XXX and receive the information message: No new or modified records to save.
XXX stands for the budget category ID.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Cost and Revenue work center.
- Go to the Budget Release view.
- Select New > Budget Release from Microsoft Excel.
- Log into the SAP BUSINESS BYDESIGN excel system.
- Maintain the required data.
- Select Save Data To.
You receive the information message: No new or modified records to save.
The Budget Category XXX is not part of the planning, causing the data not to be saved.
The budget category XXX needs to be included while Planning.
Budget Release, Planning, Upload Data, Planning Data, SAP Add-In for Microsoft Excel. , KBA , SRD-FIN-COR , Cost & Revenue , How To
SAP Business ByDesign all versions