SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3293527 - The Field STCDT is Not Supported in Mass Maintenance of Business Partners


Using the app Export Master Data – Business Partners you are able to export the Tax Number Type – STCDT data. But using the app Start Mass Maintenance – Business Partners, you are unable to update the field Tax Number Type STCDT for the Business Partner.



Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the app Start Mass Maintenance – Business Partners
  2. Populate the template
  3. Browse and process the upload file
  4. The field STCDT is not updated in the Business Partner


The export app will export all fields, but not all of these fields are changeable. The field STCDT is not yet released for mass maintenance data model. It appears as hidden and cannot be changed.


Until the field STCDT is released for mass maintenance model in S/4HANA Cloud, you may follow the workaround as below:

  1. Export all business partners, which are relevant into a spreadsheet file using Export Master data App. As scope you add the STCDT field and in addition another dummy field, which is not critical for you, which can be changed. As an example, you may use the BUT000-BU_SORT2
  2. Download the file and make the changes in the file for STCDT and the dummy field.
  3. Save the file and start the app Manage Mass Maintenance.
  4. Use the Import File functionality to upload the file with the changes into a mass maintenance process
  5. Start the process and check, if a change has been detected in the Edit step.
  6. The process will be finalized successfully with the changes in STCDT and in the dummy field. If you want to get rid of the change in the dummy field, you can revert this by starting another mass maintenance process.


Start Mass Maintenance, Business Partners, mass maintenance, STCDT, import, export , KBA , LO-MD-BP , Business Partners , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions