You want system to trigger an approval process for Purchase Order when user cancels it and hence would like to know process to set up the rules.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Purchase Requests and Orders work center
- Go to Purchase Orders view
- Select the relevant Purchase Order which you want to Cancel
You need to enable the scoping question - Do you want to allow approval process for Purchase Order Cancellation? in Business Configuration work center.
When you cancel the purchase order, system will trigger an approval process before it gets cancelled. It works only at header level and not at item level. Once you scope the question, you have to define the condition for the field, Cancellation Status = Cancellation Requested in the approval process for purchase order.
Approval Process for Purchase Order Cancellation; purchase order approval process for cancellation; PO cancellation; , KBA , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , Problem