SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3294064 - Warning "The source of supply cannot be determined; check the sourcing-relevant master data" in Sales Order


You have the Sales Order XXX, however when entering the Source of Supply, a warning is faced.

XXX = Sales Order


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Sales Orders work center. 
  2. Select Sales Orders view.
  3. Find Sales Order XXX. 
  4. Open the Sales Order XXX.
  5. Click View All.
  6. Go to Items tab.
  7. Check Availability for the affected item. 
  8. The warning is faced:

The source of supply cannot be determined; check the sourcing-relevant master data.


The warning is occurring because the system cannot find a valid Transport Lane. In this case, in the sourcing engine, the relevant Transport Zone(s) is retrieved based of the following parameters: Country code, Region code and Postal code.

In the Transport Zone, Country code and Postal code are provided and the only relevant transportation zone is GLOBAL_TZ. However, there is no active Transport Lane from site which you want to use as source for Transport Zone GLOBAL_TZ. Hence, the source of supply engine returns no values and the error is thrown.


You need to set the three parameter which will be used in the sourcing engine: Country code, Region code and Postal code:

  1. Go to Supply Chain Design Master Data work center. 
  2. Select Transport Zones view. 
  3. Find the relevant Transport Zone. 
  4. Edit it. 
  5. Maintain the parameters Country code, Region code and Postal code.

See Also

 2933088 - Error: "The Source of Supply Cannot be Determined; Check the Sourcing Relevant Master Data"


ATP, CR, Customer Demand, Availiability not confirmed, Transport Lane, Sales Order. , KBA , atp , cr , cd , customer , demand , so , AP-CR-CR , Customer Requirement , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions