Unable to create billing document in 'Create Billing Documents' app due to Error message: "Document YYY is blocked for billing... ", yet no entry can be seen under "Billing Block" column.
The 'Create Billing Documents' app only evaluates the header billing block which is persisted in the “billing index” (table VKDFS). The filter "Billing Block" only shows the billing block at header level. If no billing block is set at header level (only at item level), no entry can be seen under "Billing Block" column.
Workaround in order to determine item level billing blocks:
In 'Manage Sales Orders' app, filters could be set up such as "Billing Block" and "Billing Block Status", which enables to see if a billing block occurs in any level in the document.
When "Billing Block" column is empty, but "Billing Block Status" column shows the sales order is "Partially Blocked", it means that some elements of the sales order is blocked on item level.
See Also
Billing Block, Item Level, Header Level, Billing Document, Sales Order, Billing Block Status, VKDFS , KBA , SD-FIO-BIL-2CL , Fiori UIs for Billing (Public Cloud) , Problem