SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3295250 - Ship-To and Bill-To Address Appears in Caps When you Preview US Customer Invoice Documents


You are trying to Preview the Customer Invoice and noticed that the Ship-To and Bill-To address appears in caps (capital letters) for US Customer Invoice documents.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Select the Invoice Documents view.
  3. Select All documents in the drop down list.
  4. Select the relevant Invoice Document.
  5. Click on the Preview button.
  6. You can see that the Ship-To and Bill-To location appears in caps.


As per the postal regulations, it is necessary to maintain the postal address in caps only. You can check the website universal postal union for US, it is clearly mentioned that, on outward international items, the name of the country of destination must always be printed in capital letters. Hence it is mandate to have the postal address in caps only.


It is expected to have caps for ship to and bill to address in customer invoice documents for US as per the postal regulations for outward international items.

See Also

KBA 2736539 - Ship-To and Bill-To Address Appears in Caps When you Preview US Purchase Order Forms


Ship-To and Bill-To address appears in caps, customer invoicing, preview document; capital letters , KBA , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , SRD-CRM-INV , Customer Invoicing , Problem


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