SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3295270 - How Checkbox Retain Manager Assignment Works?


You would like to know how checkbox Retain Manager Assignment works when transferring an employee who is a manager of an Org Unit.


SAP Business ByDesign.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Personnel Administration Work Center.
  2. Go to Regular Tasks View.
  3. In Employment Changes section, select Transfer an Employee.
  4. Fill the following fields: Employee, Transfer Date, Organizational Unit, Job.
  5. You notice that a checkbox appears Retain Manager Assignment.


When "A" (A means the Employee) is transferred to "X" (X means the Org Unit) with Retain Manager Assignments, it will still keep "A" as the manager of its previous org unit, and it will not automatically make "A" the manager of "X". To make "A" the manager of "X", it needs to be explicitly assigned as the manger from the Edit Org Structures UI.

The Retain Manager Assignment checkbox is only applicable to Managers, where previously this Action to Maintain the Manager of an Org unit after Transfer, would have been completed manually in the Organizational Management Work Center.

During the Transfer, when a Managing Employee is selected, then and only then will the "Is Manager For" section become Visible. This will also depend on when the Transfer occurs.

For example, if a Manager has a Validity of 01.12.2022, but you want to Transfer them from a date previous to this, then this functionality won't be available, as you wouldn't be transferring a Manager, who wasn't a Manager prior to that date.

For scenarios where the "Retain Manager Assignment" is switched on (Checkbox ticked), then when the Transfer is complete, they would also be the Manager of the New Org Unit and remain as Org Unit Manager for the previous one. So if for example, the Managing Employee has an Org Manager Validity period from 01.12.2022 - Unlimited in ORG X, and they are Transferred on 15.12.2022 to ORG Y, with this Checkbox Ticked, then they will be maintained as Manager for both.

As part of our standard process, the details will be displayed based on the Transfer date (I.e 15.12.2022 - Unlimited ORG X, 15.12.2022 - Unlimited ORG Y). But if 01.12.2022 is entered as the Transfer date (without saving, just to illustrate the point), then the previous Managerial Org Assignments would be displayed, which will tie in with what is visible in the Org Structure.

If this checkbox is left empty, then this would indicate that their intention for the person being Transferred, is for them not to be a Manager and therefore, these previous entries would be Delimited as of the Transfer date minus one day. For this, then there won't be any Retain Manager Assignment or Is Manager For section available, as they are no longer a Manager as of the Transfer date.

The information still remains the same as previous example. For example: the details are still available for periods where they were a Manager, for example, in the Transfer section, if you enter a Date that is on of between any validity period for when they were / are a Manager, then these sections for Retaining the Assignments etc, will become visible once again.


When you enable retain manager, In the Planning Area of Org unit it will be available but it will one day to reflect in the Active Area because the background job runs daily to sync the changes which is causing the delay.

See Also

 Transfer an Employee


Retain Manager Assignment, Transfer an Employee, Org Unit, Manager , KBA , SRD-HR-PAD , Personnel Administration , How To


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