SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3295509 - The topic reported, related to the Agent Desktop is not a bug but rather technical gap or new requirement


  • Discussed the matter with SAP Cloud Support
  • SAP Team evaluated the problem and determined to be either a technical gap or new requirement
  • Requires further analysis by SAP's Product Team



  • For all Agent Desktop add-ons (side-side), also called Service Agent Console, new requirements, please use the Customer Influence Program, the official channel for the above topics.
    1. Go to
    2. Enter "Agent Workspace" as the category
    3. Complete the rest of the information requested and add attachments, if possible, to best describe the issue
  • Decision-making for products will be handled by the designated Product Managers and communicated through the Customer Influence Portal (idea).


Customer Influence, Agent Desktop, new enahancement, new requirement , KBA , agent desktop , customer influence , LOD-CRM-SBS-AC , Agent Console Add-on , LOD-CRM-PM-SRV , C4C Product Management - Service , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2211