SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3295535 - When migrating and opening Charts in Optimized Design Experience or Optimized View Mode, the chart is shown as a ghost chart in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)


In SAP Analytics Cloud, when migrating and opening Charts based on a live BW datasource in Optimized Design Experience or Optimized View Mode, the chart is shown as a ghost chart with the error:

"A structure and at least one measure are required to build the chart"


If the widget is small, the error is still visible by hovering over the ghost chart


  • SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise) 2022.21

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a new chart based off of a live BW datasource
  2. Use ODE or OVM to view / edit it
  3. Get error 


This issue is caused by a missing BW patch.


The following SAP BW InA Patch needs to be applied to your live BW data source system:


Although this wasn't needed for the Classic Design Experience, some patches like this are required in order to take advantage of the performance improvements that are available in Optimized Mode; also, it is a minimum recommended BW patch.

For a complete list of the minimum recommended BW patches for SAC Optimized Design Experience / Optimized View Mode stories, please refer to:

See Also

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SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0