SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3295557 - Legend Icon not Appearing in Changed Purchase Order Form


Legend icon or logo not appearing for newly added item in changed purchase order after approval.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Purchase Requests and Orders work center
  2. Go to the Purchase Orders view
  3. Select the relevant Purchase Order document and click Edit
  4. Select Output History tab and select the Changed Purchase Order template
  5. Open the Purchase Order PDF file, no New Item legend icon appears for the newly added line item


While adding the new line item, if the Purchase Order goes for re-approval, the system cannot compare the current image of Purchase Order (with newly added line item) with the previous image of the Purchase Order (without newly added line item). This is a technical system limitation and hence no legend icon for New Item appears against the newly added line added. This case is only if the Purchase Order goes for re-approval after addition of the new line item.


Case 1: When there is no approval scoped in the system.
A) For 'New item', it won't work in preview mode, but it works in real output under output history.
B) For 'Changed item', it won't work in preview mode, but it works in real output under output history.
C) For 'Deleted item', it works always.

In case of preview, if you directly open the preview after changes done, the symbol will be displaying;
If you change the item then save/send update, then preview, the symbol will not displaying.

Case 2: Once there is approval involved, system will always do the comparison to judge whether the approval is needed and whether there are changes.

1. If approval is scoped and needed
A) if it is triggered by header re-approval, the symbols show before approval (in preview mode), but after the approval, they will disappear.
B) if it is triggered by item approval, the symbols will work as case 1 .

2. If approval is scoped but no approval needed, the case is the same as case 1.


Currently, it is not possible to determine the newly added item and the original item once the purchase order is approved during the reapproval scenario. While the purchase order is still in approval, it is technically possible to distinguish between the newly added line and the other lines, but when the purchase order approval is approved, it is technically not possible to differentiate between them, which is the current technical restriction of the system.

If you really need to distinguish new and other lines on the form for purchase orders with an approval process, you can try to do a secondary development of this with help of partner development.

See Also

3243538 - Action code is empty for the newly added line item in Out put XML of Purchase order


Legend Icon not Appearing in Changed Purchase Order Form; Logo not appearing in PO form, PO form , KBA , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions