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3296543 - Inexpensive queries fail with composite OOM on SAP HANA DB


Queries get terminated with an out of memory error, for example: 4: cannot allocate enough memory

This can also generate a composite out of memory dump <service>_<host>.<port>.rtedump.<timestamp>.compositelimit_oom.trc

When checking the statistics (e.g. OOM trace or M_OUT_OF_MEMORY_EVENTS), you can see that the query actually allocated less than the defined statement allocation limit.



  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04: >=
  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS05: >= 2.00.052


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


statement_memory_limit, global.ini, [memorymanager], impli_enable_reset, M_CONTEXT_MEMORY, allocation limit, M_OUT_OF_MEMORY_EVENTS  , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , HAN-DB-PERF , SAP HANA Database Performance , Problem

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