Error appears while trying to approve the project baseline.
RBAM: No author zation lor 'Builtln <dcfaolt> READ' on nstancc of BONodcProxy <dcfouU> PRO_PRO_MMA BSLAPQAF ECO <default> ROOT’ in context UlApplicaton <default> »SAP BYD APPLICATION Ul/pra'mptyProjectBasetineApprovatQAFEnhancedConiroUer OAF.QA.uicomponent <default> <delautt> Operation <default> Start’
RBAM: Skip operation Bu.ltln <default> READ* on 'BONodeProxy <defauU> PRO_PRO_MMA_BSLAPQAF_ECO <default> ROOT’
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Managing My Area work center
- Go to Approvals view
- Select the relevant baseline
- Select the Approve button
- Error appears
User is assigned to work center view MMA_MYPROJECTS (My Projects) with restricted read and restricted Write access. Also user is restricted to org unit. In the approval process for Baselines, user is assigned to all baselines belonging to company. Hence the user is determined by the system as an approver, but has no authorisation to approve.
As a standard behaviour, the system determines a baseline as "belonging to an org unit" if the org unit is the project's requesting unit, the project's responsible unit, or any unit any project team member belongs to. In order to fix the problem, you can give Read and Write access for work center view MMA_MYPROJECTS for a specific org unit.
RBAM: No author zation lor 'Builtln <dcfaolt> READ' on nstancc of BONodcProxy;PRO_PRO_MMA_BSLAPQAF_ECO <default> ROOT’; BYD APPLICATION Ul/pra'mptyProjectBasetineApprovatQAFEnhancedConiroUer , KBA , AP-PRO , Project Processing , How To