1. There is a field onChange rule to execute in page load time and the rule set the field value to null. It can happen in internal hire or rehire case.
2. It doesn't happen when the onChange rule set field value to a specific value.
3. It doesn't happen when manually trigger rule (like manually change position field).
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to MPH page
- Select the user
- See the field that should be set to null
- The value is not set to null even though the rule trace file shows that the field was set to null
Root Cause:
System tried to swap the existing DB value and field final value when the field final value is null and DB has value. The purpose is when RCM doesn't send field value and DB has existing value, is wanted to display the DB existing value in the field (for internal hire and rehire case). However, when RCM has no value, DB has value but onChange rule set the DB value to null will not work in the swap case.
Upon MPH page loads, reselect the field that trigger the onChange rule.
CPS Team please check Internal Memo for more details.
Currently there isn't a data to fix this issue.
MPH, onChange, null, rule, rule trace, trace, Manage, Pending, Hire, Manage Pending Hire, page , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-INT-OBX , Onboarding 2.0 to EC Integration , Product Enhancement