SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3297115 - System is Proposing The Wrong Identified Stock When Posting Goods Issue


You have set up your system to use the FIFO Picking Strategy in Outbound Process. Hence, you have maintained the Material Flow Rule at the Site and Logistics Area level. Further, the Logistics use maintained in Logistics Model tallies with the one maintained in the Material Flow Rules. However, when you perform "Post Goods Issue", you discover that the system is not picking the Identified Stock with Earliest Expiration Date.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Outbound Logistics work center.
  2. Select the Delivery Proposals view.
  3. Find and select the relevant Delivery Request ID. 
  4. Click Post Goods Issue.
  5. The proposed identified stock is not the one with the earliest expiration date. 


For FIFO, the combination of Identified Stock is checked against Allocation Type code as well. The system has picked the first Logistics Area with specific allocation type code that is found. The behaviour is therefore very correct. All Logistics Areas which are having Identified Stock with earlier Expiration Date than the proposed Identified Stock do not have any Allocation type code and are therefore not being proposed.


Please maintain the Allocation Type code for all Logistics Areas. Please see below for details:

  1. Go to the Supply Chain Design Master Data work center.
  2. Navigate to the Locations view.
  3. Find and select the relevant Site.
  4. Click Edit Layout.
  5. Locate all relevant Logistics Areas.
  6. Go to the General tab.
  7. Scroll down to the section 'Inventory-Managed Details'.
  8. Maintain the Allocation Type and the Allocation Scope.


See Also

3221942 - Material Flow Rule FIFO Doesn't Work When Post Goods Issue

3075450 - Wrong Identified Stock Proposed by The System When Posting Goods Issue


Allocation Type, Allocation Scope, Identified Stock, FIFO , KBA , AP-SLP , Site Logistics Processing , AP-ODP-ODR , Outbound Delivery Request , Problem


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