SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3297430 - 'No check storage exists for the company.' Error While Uploading Lockbox Inbound File


The upload of a Lockbox inbound file finished in status Error in Processing. While checking the application log, an error is displayed:

'No check storage exists for the company. Create a check storage for the company in the Liquidity Management work center. Choose the Master Data view then the Check Storages subview.'


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Liquidity Management work center.
  2. Go to the Inbound Files view.
  3. Open File ID AAA (AAA means the File ID) with status Error in Processing.
  4. Click Display Log.
  5. In General tab, notice the error:

'No check storage exists for the company. Create a check storage for the company in the Liquidity Management work center. Choose the Master Data view then the Check Storages subview.'


The issue here is that the 'operating party ID' being uploaded in the file does not match the operating party ID of check storage in the system.

The 'operating party ID' in the system is the Lockbox Number of the referred Check Storage.

For example:

Operating Party ID in the file is BBB.

Lockbox Number in the respective check storage is CCC.


You should amend the lockbox file and replace all the occurrences of operating party ID BBB by the Lockbox Number CCC set up in the respective Check Storage in the system.


operating party ID; check storage; lockbox number , KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , How To


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