SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3297625 - It is not possible to use the 'Simple Moving Average' function within a story for SAP Analytics Cloud


When trying to create a formula within a story using the 'Simple Moving Average' (SMA) function, this generates a warning 'Function SMA is not supported in stories at this time'


SAP Analytics Cloud

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a story
  2. Add a formula and attempt to use the 'Simple Moving Average' (SMA) function.
  3. When trying to save this formula the message 'Function SMA is not supported in stories at this time' is generated


  • As seen within the SAP Analytics Help page within the 'Business Functions' section there is a notification "These functions are available only in Modeler."
  • Therefore at this time the Business Functions such as the 'Simple Moving Average' (SMA) can only be used as a formula within the modeler for the model itself and not within a story.



Logic Limitation script , KBA , LOD-ANA-PL , Planning , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0