SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3298589 - Managers Missing a Copy Goals Button When Viewing a Direct Report's Goal Plan - Latest Goal Management


After upgrading to Latest Goal Management, when managers view a direct report's goal plan they no longer see a button to copy goals.


SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Login as a manager
  2. Home dropdown > Goals
  3. On left-hand side, search for direct report to view their goal plan
  4. Select the Create button, but only see the Create New option


Expected behavior.


The functionality of the Copy from Goal Plan button is as follows:

  • Allows the copy of personal goals only
  • Users are only allowed to copy from their own goal plan; users cannot see the copy button from another user's goal plan
  • If there is only one template with access permission in Goal tab, the copy goal button does not exist. 

If you think this should be changed in a future release, please upvote the enhancement Allow managers who create goals to copy them.

See Also

Implementing and Managing Goal Management - Latest Version of Goal Management: Overview


success factors, GM, PMGM, employee, objectives, copy from other goal plan, TGM-15810, TGM-15903, TGM-11935 , KBA , LOD-SF-GM-TMP , Template Management , LOD-SF-GM-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions