Filter by parameter Company Code doesn't work in app "Confirm Supplier List"/ "Confirm Customer List".
Reproducing the Issue
- Maintain sensitive fields in configuration Define Sensitive Fields for Dual Control (Vendors)/ Define Sensitive Fields for Dual Control (Customers).
- Go to app "Maintain Business Partner" to change the supplier/customer BP.
- In app "Confirm Supplier List"/ "Confirm Customer List", fill in parameter Company Code which the changed supplier/customer doesn't belong to.
- The changed supplier/customer still displays in results.
Since you are looking for Supplier/ Customer Confirmation at Company Code then you should ensure that:
- Company Code Fields are configured in Sensitive Data configuration and you are maintaining the fields while defining Company Code.
"Confirm Supplier List", "Confirm Customer List", FK09, FD09, 102853, 102852, vendor change, supplier change, customer change, Define Sensitive Fields for Dual Control (Vendors), Define Sensitive Fields for Dual Control (Customers) , KBA , LO-MD-BP-VM , Vendor Master , Problem