In Archive Server, using the Administration Client, you see an error about the Purge_Buffer job for the pool <PoolName> did not terminate properly or is still running.
FATAL: The following command did not terminate properly or is still running: FATAL: -- dsHdskRm -i 100 -t 4 -x 0 -p <PoolName> FATAL: It was started at 27.08.18 00:06:08 FATAL: After careful consideration, call dsHdskRm -clear or retry this com
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 10.5
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 10.5 Support Package 1
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 16
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 16.2
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 20.2
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 20.4
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 21.2
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 21.4
- SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 22.2
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KBA , XX-PART-OPT-ARC , SAP Archiving by OpenText , Problem
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